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Quite a few months ago I had a health issue. Thankfully it wasn't anything major, but at the time it seemed pretty significant. One night after going to the hospital, we (my parents and I) talked about how it went. Then dad said, "you never know when your time here on earth is done." Wow, thanks dad. That was the best bit of encouragement I had received all week!

All sarcasm aside, dad does have a very valid and true point. Not one of us know when our time here on earth comes to an end, only God does. Most people live until they are of a ripe old age, and I hope I am one of them, but I have no means of knowing that. Then I began thinking, what if I did die young, or younger than I anticipated? What would I do if I knew that?

This isn't meant to be a morbid post, rather a post that will be thought provoking. If you knew that you would die soon, what would you do? What would you regret?

If I knew I was going to die soon I would;

Compliment people regularly


Say hello to the 'new girl'


Do more random acts of kindness


Embrace every situation wholeheartedly


Not be afraid to try new things


Go on that mission trip I've always thought about

The list could go on and on. Then I started thinking, why don't I do more of those things anyway? Why would I do things differently just because I knew I might die? Why don't I do more of these things regardless? What's 'stopping' me from doing these things now?

For me, being shy and reserved is a major reason why. I'm often 'afraid' to go and say hi or do something 'drastic'...even though it wouldn't be drastic for many people. I feel safe in my shell, so what's the need for me to get out of my comfort zone??

Imagine if you stopped someone from committing suicide because you felt you needed to go and compliment them? Or ask if they were ok? Imagine if you complimented someone, and they held onto, and remembered that compliment for the rest of their life?

What if we all started living like we were going to die? I imagine that if we all started living like that our lives, and the lives of those around us would look very different. I encourage you to think about this, and ask your self some questions. Maybe it's time we stepped out of our shells (and I'm talking to myself here), and started living like we were going to die.

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